Danyo Underground started from an idea to showcase the best Alt/Punk/Pop Punk and Rock music from around the country and beyond! Our goal is to get someone into their next favourite band!
We started life in the music industry with an online webzine, with the same concept as Danyo Underground; after which I started playing in post hardcore/ pop punk bands up and down the North West playing sick shows for years. Which led me to start my Youtube channel 'Danyo' at the start of the first Lockdown. Now carrying on from the Youtube channel we're expanding into the world of podcasts.
To submit your music to us what we'll need you to do is:
Send us a DropBox or WeTransfer link with all of your bands relevant information; band bio, social links, MP3 of your song you are submitting.
Please DO NOT attach your MP3 to an email, as this will clog up our inbox.
Email: danyounderground@gmail.com or fill in the contact form below.